Rhubarb is the first of the summer delicacies available in our climate zone. We eat it only in season and well because right now, it has the most favorable chemical composition.

Rhubarb is used in the kitchen mostly because of its taste, but it should also be consumed due to its rich composition and low energy value (just 9 kcal in 100 g fresh weight). It also has a low glycemic index (15 ), so it can be consumed by people suffering from metabolic diseases such as diabetes. Thanks to its high dietary fiber content (3.2 g in 100 g fresh weight), this vegetable improves bowel function and helps remove toxins.

Rhubarb stems contain many minerals and vitamins necessary for the proper functioning of the body, as well as compounds with a biologically active effect (in particular polyphenols), which neutralize free radicals and thus alleviate the effects of oxidative stress. They also have a lot of vitamin E and B vitamins, as well as minerals (calcium, potassium, and iron). The characteristic acid taste is due to the high vitamin C content (9.0 mg in 100 g fresh weight).

It is worth knowing, however, that rhubarb, although rich in valuable nutrients, should not be consumed in large quantities, especially by people suffering from kidney disease, osteoporosis, rheumatism, or anemia. It contains substances that, in excess, may hurt our health – oxalic acid and raponticine. Oxalic acid should be avoided primarily by people with nephrological problems because, especially in them, excess of this substance may result in kidney oxalate crystals.

In addition, oxalic acid is classified as anti-nutrient – excessive consumption may cause calcium, iron, and magnesium deficiency in the body. For this reason, rhubarb is not recommended for people suffering from osteoporosis, anemia, or rheumatism. In turn, the raponticin contained in this vegetable has an estrogen-like effect, so excessive concentration in the body can cause hormonal disorders.

Asparagus has a low energy value ( 20 kcal in 100 g fresh weight ) with a high nutrient content simultaneously. The asparagus season is short, so it’s worth using their health-promoting properties. They contain large amounts of-vitamins ( A, C, E, and B ), easily digestible proteins, sugars, and minerals ( phosphorus, potassium, iodine, calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc ). Asparagus is also rich in many bioactive compounds that can strengthen, weaken, or modify the physiological and metabolic functions of the body.

The most important are fructus, asparagine, steroid saponins, coumarin, coniferin, vanillin, volatile oils, carotenoids (famine, capsanthin), flavonoids (including a significant amount of routine), phytosterols (including a significant amount of β-sitosterol) with antioxidant properties. Due to their presence, asparagus consumption, among others, supports the treatment of digestive disorders and cardiovascular diseases and delays aging. Asparagus, however, has one drawback: it contains a lot of purines that can cause uric acid to accumulate in the body. Therefore, they should not be consumed by people suffering from gout and kidney stones.

Green beans are a vegetable eagerly grown on Polish plots and in gardens. It belongs to the legume family and comes in green and yellow colors. The season for young beans begins in May and lasts until the end of summer. It is quite long because both early and late varieties are grown in Poland.

The best to eat is young green beans: regardless of the variety and color, their taste and structure will always be better than the old ones. How do you recognize if beans are old? After coloring. Old beans will no longer be so intensely yellow or green.

In addition to taste, green beans also have several health-promoting properties. Contains large amounts of valuable vegetable protein ( approx. 23% ), fiber ( approx. 15% ), as well as B vitamins and mineral salts ( phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium ). It is a low-calorie vegetable ( 27 kcal in 100 g fresh beans ), and thanks to the high content of dietary fiber, the feeling of satiety after ingestion lasts longer. Due to the low glycemic index, it can be part of the diabetic diet.

In addition, green beans, especially their green variety, are a valuable ingredient in the diet of people prone to anemia. It contains valuable folic acid, vitamin B6, as well as iron. So that the iron is not washed out of the vegetable during heat treatment, it is best to make it by steaming or in the oven. Iron found in beans is vegetable iron, so-called non-ham. To increase its absorption, serving beans with products rich in vitamin C, e.g., parsley or red pepper, is best. Due to the high folic acid content, beans should include pregnant women in their diet. The accumulation of many minerals and B vitamins makes beans support the work of the nervous system, lowers LDL cholesterol in the blood, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and-heart disease, and improves circulation.

June and July are the perfect time to prepare dishes from beetroot. Betwin or chard are nothing but leaves and stems of different beet varieties. We obtain beetroot from beetroot beetroot, and chard – from leaf beet, also called spinach. How are these two varieties different? The chard has larger and harder leaves with a more intense taste. In Poland, however, it is not very popular and rarely grown. We can easily get a beetroot, which we can eat entirely – from root to leaf.

Both varieties contain a similar composition of valuable nutrients. Botswana is low calorie – in 100 g of fresh leaves, there are only 20 kilocalories. It also contains a-lot of dietary fiber ( 4.4 g in 100 g fresh weight ), which improves digestion, stimulates bowel function, and reduces cholesterol deposition. Betwin is a very good source of B vitamins that are responsible for-the proper functioning of the nervous system, play an important role in the action of the eye, and contribute to maintaining good skin condition; vitamin C is responsible for the body’s resistance, vitamins A and K, which are responsible for fighting viruses, good eyesight, the nice appearance of hair, skin and nails, proper blood clotting, as well as bone mineralization, vitamin E protecting the body against the effects of free radicals and minerals such as magnesium, copper, and iron.

This vegetable also contains numerous bioactive compounds of an antioxidant nature, primarily from the group of flavonoids and anthocyanins, which can neutralize free radicals, thus reducing the risk of cancer and delaying the body’s aging process. Scientific studies have shown that botulinum leaves contain large amounts of syringe acid, which acts as an antioxidant but also has properties that stabilize blood glucose levels. In addition, because the beet is a good source of dietary fiber, its consumption helps maintain a constant glucose level in the blood.

In addition, studies show that botulinum extract can cause pancreatic beta-cell regeneration responsible for insulin production. Beetroot leaves and stems contain oxalic acid, which is an anti-nutrient substance. Consuming in excess hurts the kidneys ( deposition of oxalic acid crystals ) and bones ( makes calcium absorption difficult ). For this reason, botulinum/chard intake should be limited to people with nephrolithiasis or osteoporosis. Beetroot leaf and stem dishes should be served with kefir, cream, or curd milk. This will supplement the amount of calcium in the body.

Cucumber family zucchini and squash reign on the tables throughout the summer and the beginning of autumn. Courgettis have a skin color from light green to dark green and even green with bright yellow spots. At the end of the youngest fruit, yellow edible flowers often remain. cucurbit, however, occurs in various shades of yellow.

Both zucchini and squash are varieties of common pumpkin. They contain a significant amount of water (approx. 90%) due to their fresh and delicate taste. The content of macro- and microelements varies due to the harvest time and the fruit ripeness stage. There are also differences between the pulp from the deeper layer of the fruit and the layer directly under the skin. Both vegetables have low energy value and a significant content of bioactive compounds such as β-carotene, phenols, flavonoids, vitamins (mainly vitamin C in zucchini and vitamin A in cucurbit), amino acids, and minerals. Young zucchini fruits and flowers are usually richer in vitamin C than ripe fruit from the late harvest. Chlorophyll is a compound found in zucchini in particularly large quantities. It gives an attractive zucchini color and actively participates in photosynthesis, leading to the formation of carbohydrates.

Young cabbage is a seasonal summer delicacy that tastes best when combined with young potatoes and dill. The dishes prepared from it are light, tasty, and full of valuable ingredients. Young cabbage differs from the latter – it has more fragile leaves with an intense green color and is sweeter and milder in taste.

It is widely believed that cabbage dishes are hard to digest. Indeed, brassica dishes are usually heavy and caloric because they are usually prepared with the addition of fatty meat and other heavy digestible additives. However, the cabbage itself is low in calories. Contains only 40 kcal in 100 g. Nevertheless, this vegetable belongs to the bloating group, meaning some may suffer from various digestive tract ailments after ingestion. To avoid digestive unpleasantness, you can use a simple – method to cook cabbage with the addition of spices to facilitate digestion, e.g., cumin, marjoram, fennel, or ginger.

Cabbage dishes should be consumed not only because of their taste but also because of their rich nutritional value. This vegetable contains large amounts of vitamin C – roughly the same as in lemon ( 30-36 mg in 100 g fresh weight ), and as you know, cabbage is consumed in greater quantities. It also contains vitamins A, E, and B. It is rich in micronutrients such as phosphorus, manganese, copper, potassium, calcium, iron, and sodium. Cabbage is also a good source of sulfur – an element responsible for the condition of hair and nails. Hence its specific smell during cooking.

It is worth remembering that people suffering from thyroid disease should consume brassica (including cabbage) sparingly. The volatilizing substances (gitorin and progoitrin) make it difficult to absorb iodine, leading to deficiencies in the body.

We have one of the year’s tastiest and most valuable periods ahead of us. Summer stalls rich in raw materials are full of fruit and vegetable hits. A seasonal calendar is a great way to diversify your diet and experiment with various flavors.