10 Tips to Facilitate Breastfeeding

Breast milk is the best food for-the baby during the first months of life. Starting well from the beginning will help us make breastfeeding a pleasant experience, so we advise you to follow the following steps:

Make sure that the baby has been placed on your chest during the first hour of life, and if not, do not let the first two hours pass to start breastfeeding.

Hygiene of the breasts (with daily shower) and use of adequate bra. Avoid using creams and lotions, and it is best to clean yourself with the colostrum or milk itself immediately after breastfeeding. Montgomery’s glands produce the necessary lubrication and protect it.

Observation of the shot:

The grip should be with the maximum of aureole of the chest in the mouth of your baby and with the nose attached to the chest, navel with the navel, well-aligned. If you see that-your child has some concerns, check the breastfeeding technique to correct position errors. Holding your chest with your hand forming a C will help you find the right position.

When you’re in the hospital, ask to be taught the best positions so that both you and your-baby are comfortable during the process. Remember that the baby’s head should rest on the middle of the forearm, not the elbow, and the mouth should be wide open so that it covers the halo as much as possible, not just the nipple.

Try to direct the nipple towards the upper lip, the upper part of the mouth, rub the nose and bring the baby closer to the chest in a quick motion, not the other way around. Babies suckle by squeezing their tongues under the halo. Placing the baby correctly on the chest will prevent pain and cracks, among other problems.

Milk production is based-on supply and demand:

The more you place it on the breast, the higher the milk production, no matter how much the suction time. Make sure the baby doesn’t fall asleep on the chest: frequent, on-demand and unrestricted breastfeeding. The breast has no schedule, and only the baby knows when and how much he has to breastfeed. Forget about the clock and attend to the demands of the baby. Always offer both breasts: let it empty one to place it on the other.

Do not use, as far as possible, pacifiers or bottles. In the case of needing supplements, offer them a syringe and continue with the chest on demand.

Keep in mind that breastfeeding at night produces a greater discharge of prolactin, and this makes you have more milk. We recommend that you do not skip this step.

The colostrum that is produced in the first 3-5 days is a concentrated substance of antibodies that protects it against infections; in addition, its emptying makes the rise of the milk less abrupt and less annoying, being also more effective.

There is no need to-wait for the baby to cry, and it is good to breastfeed when looking. These signs the newborn manifests them by closing the fists, movements with the head forward and backward with the lips in the shape of a fish and the most obvious, crying.

Watch for signs of non-adaptation to breastfeeding identify what is going on to successfully treat incidents that interfere with this process.